Why Is It Important to Consult With a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Take Advantage of Free Consultations with Bankruptcy Lawyers in Maryland and Washington DC
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a difficult decision and should not be taken lightly. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it is important that you fully understand your options, as well as the bankruptcy process itself. An attorney can explain the positive and negative aspects of each of the types of bankruptcy. Additionally, he can assist you in deciding whether bankruptcy is the best option for you and your family.
Bankruptcy Laws in Maryland and Washington DC are Complicated
The Bankruptcy Code is complex and constantly changing. There are a number of different types of bankruptcy, each with its unique requirements and consequences. You may feel so overwhelmed that you may make a decision without fully understanding the impact of filing bankruptcy. Additionally, while trying to teach yourself the complex Bankruptcy Code, you may not fully explore the alternatives to bankruptcy that might be a good fit with your situation. The decision to file bankruptcy can have long-lasting implications for you and for your family members. For these reasons, it is important that you retain a bankruptcy lawyer prior to even filing a petition for bankruptcy.
Filing Tips & Info
The Bankruptcy Process is Complicated
Bankruptcy is not easy. You must file a number of documents with your petition for bankruptcy. Then, each document has its own specific requirements. Next, there are various deadlines for each type of bankruptcy. If you were to violate any of the deadlines you risk the possibility of dismissal. The debtor must prepare for the creditors’ meeting and comply with a number of requirements, in a particular way, by a particular time in order to satisfy the requirements for bankruptcy. Because there are so many nuances to the process, we strongly encourage you to avoid filing bankruptcy without an attorney.
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